I know it's the little things that make up the important part of my life. That's why I love lifestyle photography; that's why I love Instagram. I just don't want to become crippled by my desire to "capture life" so that I can wallow in the past later... but I still want to look back at the ways my kids were, back when they were littler. So, in an effort to snatch a few details for posterity, here's a list of things I love about life right now:

I love that C can do so many things with a big grin on his face. He'll spin, high five, touch his nose, touch his belly button, and waggle his head on command. Unless you are trying to get another adult to see him do these things, in which case, he won't. He will shout, "GO!" if you say, "On your marks, get set..." We cut another inch, maybe, off his hair this week. It was so long we couldn't keep it out of his eyes. It looks so much better, but I kinda miss the long surfer curls. Today when F was throwing a fit in her room, C went through the house calling her name, until he found her in her room, and he was so concerned for her. Of course, his version of her name sounds like two syllables of gutteral sounds, but whatever. I knew what he was saying. When he wants something he points at it and says, "Eh!" I remember that stage with the other two, but with C it seems way cuter. He pulls things off tables, climbs into G's lego box and puts legos in his mouth, dribbles juice from his mouth onto his shirt, and... walks right up to Craig to hug him goodbye when he is leaving for work.

What is it like to be the only girl with two brothers? I'll never know, except through watching F figure out life from that vantage point. She is an awesome blend of girlie-girl and tomboy. Today she was teaching C about "how to be on the battle field". Ha! She runs like a girl, climbs like a boy, and loves Dora the Explorer, My Little Ponies, and Princesses (mostly the Disney kind, although she has seen very few of the movies). She is tall- I had to admit to myself that her favorite pair of 4T pants were not going to last much longer, and she is still 3 1/2. She can throw a fit like nobody's business, and we are still figuring out how to best help her a) avoid them, and b) work her way out of them. She is so beautiful that I stare at her sometimes. She is a copier, and will copy G's actions and words verbatim, immediately after him. I love it when she says sweet things to me that I've said to her. She likes to cook with me and honestly likes to bring the house from chaos to order. OH! I almost forgot. Mysteriously, this girl who can't sing the whole alphabet song correctly, and only knows a handful of letters, can use letter magnets to spell, "car". Like, she did it, and proudly announced to me that she had spelled car. But she can't do that with any other word.

Our oldest is such a firstborn. Smart, rule-following, performance-oriented. I have to remind myself to lean into the "who you are is enough, I love you no matter what" truth with him. He loves his little brother fiercely. Loves to play with him and teach him things, and honestly he just seems to get joy from watching C be himself. But he is really hard on F. It bugs him when she succeeds, and if she breaks any kind of rule he is all over her. It makes me wince when he comes down hard on her, because I hear the echo of the tone and impatient phrases that I've used with him. God is teaching me; I just wish seeing our own faults in our children was less painful. Anyway, G is playing baseball. So far, he likes practicing with Craig but doesn't love team practices. Taking C and F with me to G's practice on the windiest day of the year last week just about did me in. Looking forward to his first game, so we can cheer him on. Oh- and G's little pre-K class performance was yesterday. FOR THE LOVE. It was so adorable. G wearing his pope-style rainbow hat, doing "I'm A Little Tea Pot!" But G wouldn't smile or acknowledge us at all, and he told me later it was because he was embarrassed. Sheesh! But when the extraordinary Mrs. W told the kids to grab someone from the audience to dance with them, and he flashed his dimple and ran to get me, so excited, "Mommy! Mommy! You come up and do the dance!" my heart melted, people.

I. love. them. so. much.
Okay, enough mental notes. This momma bear needs to hibernate for a while.
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