Here's the thing: my kids get into this. My oldest boy remembered doing this last year, and begged me to let him start early- about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. He has begged me almost every day for jobs to earn money- money that he knows will not be for him. We watched the videos online at World Vision's site, where short clips explain the hows and whys and whos of each gift- medicine, fishing gear, educational supplies, seeds. When we got to the video about clean water, and the effects on children who walk miles to get muddy water from a polluted source, my seven year old buried his head in my shoulder and started shaking with sobs. Which made me cry too- in part because my heart and head are so numb, so cynical, that I forgot how shattering that truth is, until my boy's tears reminded me. I had to get his attention and show him the end of the video, with the joyful children frolicking in the clean water of a new well, to remind him of the hope of change- and the fact that he could be part of it.
So all my kids are wiping windows and dusting and taking out the recycling. And asking, "how much will you pay me for that job?" like some money grubbing Wall Street wannabes. And they take the quarters and dimes and dollars (thanks, Grandma and Nana!) and stuff them into their burlap bags. Christmas Eve will be amazing, because each one has a chosen goal: a Bible, a mosquito net, and a share of a well, respectively- that they are working hard to meet. The Bible says that whatever we do for the people who are "the least," we do for Jesus. So like the shepherds, we will come to his birthday party, ready with His gifts.
Because I am the opposite of super-mom, I cannot do both this, and the Elf. And I know that the long-term lessons about joy, and the power they have to actually change a little of the bitter sadness that is truly in the world- will serve my kids well.
But I still reserve the right to have a random toy dinosaur start some nightly shenanigans, sometime in January.
Find out more about World Vision's gifts by watching this video:
Also, Compassion International does a similar gift catalog. World Vision just got to us first, and we stuck with them. Both feature domestic and international gifts in many categories, but of course there are countless other charities you know of that would fit the bill just as well.
Here's the blog where I originally found the idea:
PS- I know none of you reasonable people will jump to any crazy conclusions, but in case some person I don't know actually reads this all the wrong way: I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH OTHER PEOPLE DOING ELF ON THE SHELF. MORE POWER TO YOU. YOU ARE A BETTER PARENT THAN I. IF I COULD DO IT ALL, AND DO IT ALL WELL, I WOULD TOO. There. (wink).
ReplyDeleteI love this so much.
Also, this made me laugh: Like all good traditions, this one came from the Bible. No, just kidding, it came from Pinterest.