20 January 2014

hello, my love

Um, yeah, this is not a post about Valentine's Day, or my husband (although I love him too. Hey, hon!)  And this is not some poetic post about my love for God.

This post is about my other love: my camera.

Sometimes I go through seasons where my creative energy is low.  Where I need to store up a little motivation, inspiration, and whatever other -ations get me to pick up my camera and click away.  This has been one of those seasons.

Blame it on the month we were sick.  Blame it on the fact that we are mostly stuck indoors (windchill anyone?) and I am a natural light photographer.  Blame it on the fact that it is the off-season for me, professionally, so the drive to "stay on top of my game" is low.  But for whatever reason, my pattern of adding thousands of photo files to our computer hard drive at an alarming rate is- on hold.

Even at Christmas, I left the big camera mostly put away.  Took a couple pics, but did not document our holidays moment-by-moment.  Any perhaps that is okay?  That I was so busy living in the moment that I didn't stop to capture it for posterity?  Even my I-phone camera has had a little breather.  And I think that is healthy.  I would be worried about my fickle self, if I hadn't lived through this same thing last year.  I know that in a short while, I'll be a camera-toting quick draw again, snapping pictures and staying up late to edit them like some kind of addict.  You know that spring is the season of love.  And my love, my Canon 40D, and I will be cheek to cheek again.

In the meantime, here is evidence that I haven't completely left it lonely in the cold.

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