Elf on the shelf.

But. But. I love play and silliness and laughter and surprise. And creativity! And special things that make memories. And Elf on the Shelf has those things in spades. Like, who doesn't want their kid to wake up in the morning and burst out laughing because the elf is riding in underwear suspended from a helium balloon, floating through the family room (thank you Pinterest for that visual, btw).
So I'm left clutching at compromises. Can I do some version of this? Minus the "he's watching your behavior and reporting it to Santa" element? Minus the "purchase the helium balloon before oldest child gets off school but after finishing the grocery shopping and baby's nap" stress? I don't know. No neat, easy answers here! I'll be pondering this a day or two. Because I have plenty of time, right? Christmas is a loooong ways away. Right?
Stay tuned for a Christmas tradition that I AM ready for, and I love, and it's easy. And in a perfect world it would save my children from attitudes of entitlement. And materialism. And the flu. And terrorists. Okay, maybe not all that. And it does involve me venturing into our spider-y basement and opening sketchy boxes. (Shiver). But still, stay tuned for Christmas-y goodness!
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