23 July 2013

grabbing the bull by the horns, then hanging the horns on the wall

I'm doing a better job, and want to do an even better job, at following through with my ideas and creating things on a regular basis.  I have a need to be creative, to be human, to be myself, to be something more than a cook and maid and driver.  It's all well and good to pour myself out for the children, but I would like to get a refill once in a while, and being creative does that for me.

Maybe this is true of everyone?  Or are some people wired more that way than others?  Well, at any rate,  I was feeding that need (poorly) by trolling Pinterest and pinning ideas that excited me.  Not bad, but better is stopping now and following through on the best of those ideas.  I have, um, many pins.  Plenty of inspiration.  Now I am going to siphon some of that into a good does of doing.

That has prompted me to learn something about myself.  The side of me that wants to be artistic and free-spirited, and the side of me that craves order and structure and symmetry, are having a hard time working together to design a gallery wall in my living room.  And Pinterest is not much help here: there are just too many images of gallery walls on the interwebs.  I like many of them- both the careful, symmetrical, and matchy, and the organic, messy, and varied.  I think I am going to just have to throw one up on the wall using 3M Command hooks so that I can juke past my perfectionistic defenses and move on.  

We've lived here seven years and need more on the walls. It's time to commit.

I'll let you know if I survive the pressure.

16 July 2013

stitches in time- now nine

On the eve of our anniversary, I am struck by how God takes two people- two people who are very different!- and stitches them together into one. It has been mysterious and painful, but nine years in, I realize that we are far more "one" than we were when we said, "I do."  Still so different (can't get him to watch Downton Abbey; I have to manufacture interest in fantasy football) yet my life and heart are so mixed up with his, I can't believe it's been nine years. God does beautiful work through marriages. Happy anniversary, honey.

My heart still skips a beat looking at his face.  Seriously, he's handsome, strong, full of Jesus, and his kids think he hung the moon. This picture says it all!

15 July 2013

photog assistant, paid in sweet treats

Going to work on a lot this week.  Maybe even at being a real, grown up photographer.
Too bad I can't have this helper at all my shoots.
For realz.

Blessings on your week.